Eight Nearly Sink At Haulover Inlet

In a horrifying turn of events, our crew was on scene as a boat began taking on water at the inlet with eight onboard. 

Riding in a cramped, single engine Nauticstar, the captain of the vessel stuffed into an oncoming wave and slowed. While many boats stuff on a regular basis at Haulover Inlet, since this particular boat was over capacity it was catastrophic.

A cascade of water invaded the boat causing the passengers’ PFDs (personal flotation devices) to go into the ocean and away from them. You can see some of the riders begin to panic, as they try to scoop water out with their hands and some don the remaining PFD.

Our crew acted fast and immediately called the authorities, resulting in a towboat on the scene within minutes. The passengers were then safely offloaded before the boat could continue sinking.

This is by far one of the most dangerous and close calls our crew has ever seen; we can only be thankful that our cameraman was able to call for help before anyone got hurt.